Saturday, 13 March 2010

Wedding at The Grove, Watford, Hertfordshire

How exciting – church wedding with reception at The Grove! Gorgeous venue and very close to home – hurrah! Bride is sister of my 7th July 07 (07/07/07) bride so I know the family – makes it even more fun!

9.30am, car stuffed to the roof with bits and bobs, set off and arrive at The Grove 8 minutes later. Into the Ivory Suite – tables and chairs are all over the place!

There’s a lady polishing the cutlery and someone laying table cloths that look as though they’ve been slept in! Back out to the car for my trusty iron. Didn’t think I’d have to iron the table cloths at The Grove but you live and learn!

Table cloths ironed, place cards on tables, tables in the right places and correct number of chairs round each table. Everything in place apart from 6 large tubes of Smarties for the children as I need to pick up ribbon from the bride’s house. Leave those in a large carrier bag and head off to the bride’s house.

Make-up lady in full swing, I put the kettle on and get the bridesmaids’ dresses ironed. Cuppas all round.

Get the bridesmaids into their dresses and now it’s time to get the bride dressed. Wedding dress has loads of tiny buttons rather than being a lace-up, so crochet hook comes in handy.

Everyone in their outfits - time for me to leave for the church. Wonder how many cravats I’ll have to tie today!

2 minutes later I’m at the church. Wow, they’ve cheated and got ties instead of cravats! Get buttonholes pinned on correctly and give ushers a quick lesson in ushering.

Now it decides to rain – not part of the plan, but the Wedding Wonders supply of umbrellas will come in handy. Get soaked escorting mother of the bride and then bridesmaids into the church under a brollie. At least they stay dry!

Lovely ceremony although pageboy Owen, bride’s nephew, didn’t seem to think much of it. Poor Owen’s dad spent most of it outside the church. At least it’s stopped raining.

Everyone out of the church, I'll get a couple of photos and then get off to The Grove. Oops, think I might be in the photographer's way!

All set for guests to arrive. I’ll just tie the ribbon round the Smarties where have they gone? Extensive search reveals that someone has snaffled my 6 large tubes of Smarties! Wow, you can’t trust anyone these days!

Managed to rustle up 6 tubes of jelly beans in very smart ‘The Grove’ glass tubes – they’ll have to do.

Drinks reception over – time for receiving line but it’s like herding cats trying to get the parents in the line-up! Groom looks like he’s gasping so keep nipping behind to pass him his beer.

Speeches before meal – not always the best plan but seems to go down okay. Take wedding gifts and cards to the bridal suite – 3 trips! Lovely suite! Decorate the bed with rose petals. Back down to reception – I’ve walked 5.3 miles so far today!

Food being served and time for us to eat too. DJs turn up also expecting food- hopefully they’re joking! Manage a few mouthfuls but then need to get back to the action.

Meals over, cake cutting then get everyone out to the bar. Couple of tables removed, candles replenished and table confetti sprinkled over gravy stains!

Evening guests arrive – another 2 trips with gifts and cards to bridal suite. Starting to flag now.

Emergency – someone put their arm round bride and veil has come away from comb. No problem. Trusty, ready-threaded needles to the rescue – crisis averted!

First dance is lovely and the evening buffet looks good. Time to call it a day. Tissues at the ready – I always get emotional when my part of the wedding is over.

7.2 miles walked but the drive home takes 8 minutes. I love my job, but it's lovely to get home and put my feet up!

(All photos courtesy of

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